Help , Learn, Pay it Forward

My passion is helping people develop from where they are within the moment we meet to where they really wish to be. My hope is that this page helps highlight some of these individuals and provide motivation for others to begin their journey.

Help - How have I helped you?

Learn - What have you learned from me?

Pay it Forward - How have you passed on what you have learned?

Help, Learn, Pay it Forward

H: professional development - communication skills and networking

L: How to manage a weight room - Building relationships with athletes

P: Improving athlete performance and health through DJ's guidance

Help, Learn, Pay it Forward

H: The DJ's help with soft tissue injuries

L: Learning correct breathing techniques

P: Meeting people where they're at in all aspects of life

Help, Learn, Pay it Forward

H: The importance of mentorship

L: The value of not burning bridges - The significance of helping others

P: Nurturing and empowering others in coaching - Encouragement for others to follow the same path

Help, Learn, Pay it Forward

H: impact on training and performance - The importance of properly preparing athletes for maximal effort events

L: building a personal brand - knowledge and ability to guide others in the right direction

P: Empowering individuals to figure things out on their own and market themselves or their athletes effectively.