Coach DJ Taylor

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Renaissance Periodization Part 1

Over the years, I have trained a variety of athletes. Some who have turned a sport into a profession, some who simply want to be fit and live life to the fullest. Amongst all of these individuals, there are some constant rules that apply - including nutrition. You can be at the top of your game when it comes to fitness, but at some point your diet will catch up with you. Maybe God blessed you with a fire metabolism, but trust me - there will come a day where a poor diet will affect your performance, your output, your body composition - or all of the above.


The beginning of this year was very chaotic for me personally. If I’m being transparent, I didn’t get to be intentional with my time - and that includes my diet and workouts. Thankfully that turmoil and stress are finally seeming to fade from my rear view. Going into this fall, I am eager to regroup and realign my goals. Part of this self-evaluation includes getting back to the discipline I once had in the training and recovery of high performance. This time around I want to attack a program outside of my programming or D1-based programs, which I write some of the time. While the D1 programs have proven to be extremely effective in the past, I need to keep some separation from work and “fun” at this point.


Bottom line: I want to take my body back. Due to bullshit stress, the scale is reading 10 lbs higher than what I’m used to seeing (thank you, cortisol).


When it came to tackling my goals around my diet and fitness, I knew I wanted to partner with Renaissance Periodization to make this happen. RP first came on radar after I a few members at D1 successfully completed the templates and had great, long-term success. Through various meal and workout templates, the RP team uses science and actual optimization of true physiological functions to bring individuals to their goals - and help them stay there. I am not dogging any of the fads, but rather I knew that I wanted something that would set me up long term. The templates are written for sustainability and performance is at the forefront.


After talking over all of my options with RP’s CEO, Nick, I will be using a male weight loss template alongside their male physique workout template. The doctors and experts at RP have configured the macros of their meal templates into a truly beautiful process. Whether your body is designed to burn through carbs or fats, you are sure to see success and they walk you through each step. Designed to burn body fat, the template will last 12 weeks and then transition you into macros that you can sustain in the long run.


So, in summary: I am embarking on a journey! I am using these 12 weeks to reset and work towards my fitness goals - which includes getting shredded AF. I’m excited to exercise the discipline that it takes to be successful with these templates. They require intentional planning and execution. As well as discipline when all I really want is a double bacon cheeseburger & a Coors Light.


Through the course of these 12 weeks, I will share tips & tricks as well as my results. You know by now that I will be honest about this whole journey. I’ll also be listing in my friends at NF Sport & Compex to keep my body (somewhat) happy & recovered.


This is going to be a solid challenge, but lots of fun! It’s definitely not to late for you to join me! I encourage you to browse through their templates & enter “CDJT10” for 10% off your purchase.